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Pension and Assurance Scheme

Porsche Cars Great Britain Ltd Pension and Assurance Scheme

Clicking the link below will take you to the Statement of Investment Principles document for the Porsche Cars Great Britain Limited Pension and Assurance Scheme (the Scheme), Porsche Retail Group Ltd is a participating employer within the Scheme. The Statement of Investment Principles sets out the Scheme’s governing decisions about investments, and includes the Trustees’ policies on how the Scheme’s assets are invested and how the Trustees address Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues”.

Statement of Investment Principles
Pension and Assurance Scheme Implementation Report

Porsche Cars Great Britain Limited Pension and Assurance Scheme Implementation Report

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is increasing regulation to improve disclosure of financially material risks. This regulatory change recognises Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors as financially material and schemes need to consider how these factors are managed as part of their fiduciary duty. The regulatory changes require that schemes detail their policies in their Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) and demonstrate adherence to these policies in an implementation report.

Limited Pension and Assurance Scheme Implementation Report